The anti-science political cabal

It never ceases to amaze how so many on the left seem so incapable of demonstrating the most basic of reasoning skills. They seem to embrace a willful ignorance that rejects intellectuality and holds particular scorn for science and the scientific method. There is one particular group on the far left, however, whose complete rejection of objective thought has been particularly pronounced.

This radical political outlier group known as "scientists" has a long storied history of pushing its insipid and ill-informed social agenda into things they don't understand (e.g. the shape of the world, the medicinal use of leeches, etc).

Now this same group is speaking with virtual unanimity, supporting the nonsensical, enviro-crackpot claim that human activity is changing the global climate, and that government should intercede to prevent it.

The members of this group, as always, clearly lack the intellectual capacity to understand the fundamental tenets of science. As such, their crazy ideas should be, as they've always been, roundly dismissed by free-thinkers everywhere.


  1. It's obvious: scientists, by dint of their years of exposure to science (and other scientists), lose all objectivity. Only those with absolutely no taint of scientific knowledge or experience are truly capable of logically interpreting scientific data and drawing scientific conclusions.

    Ipso facto. Q.E.D.

  2. I understand the jury's still out on science.

  3. Well, y'know, all they've got is a buncha theories. And, as any objective non-scientist will tell you, "theory" is Latin for "guess."
